Wednesday 23 April 2014

Unmoven light

This stunning installation is composed of hundred of units, which is pieces of glasses and covered with color. It is suspended from the walls and ceilings and transmits a shimmering world of light, shadow, and brillant color. The divided space are created by the twisted  sculptures that look like floating in the air. It seems the feeling that is the physical reality compares with the ideal reality when people stand in the space and always look out.

Monday 16 December 2013

Using Skylight Instead of Electronic Lamp


Although there is not a window in the bathroom, the skylight can instead of the electronic light. At the same time, it is benefit to reduce the consumption of energy. 

My idea is to create a house that visitors cannot see the master's privacy space from outside. It means that there are not many area could let sunshine through the window. Instead, i am trying to create space on the roof in order to light the interior. Because i do not want to take advantage of too much electronic lamp.

Sketch Model

What is the approximate cost of a green roof? How much energy does a green roof save?

  • What is the approximate cost of a green roof?

The cost of the green roof is depending on which state you are in, which would range from $10 to $25 per square foot or $108 - $269 per square meter... (one square meter = approximately 10.76 square feet). More sophisticated green roof (or green wall) installations can cost from $25 to $100 per square foot, or $269-$1075 per square meter or more.(source

How much energy does a green roof save?

According to the Center for Climate Systems Research, a comparison of a standard black tar roof and a green roof showed these results:

One square meter of black tar roof produced 500 kWh per year. 
One square meter of green roof produced 140 kWh per year. (source

On average, for one story structures, a green roof saves $4.50 per square foot on an annual basis.(source

Sunday 15 December 2013

The Research of The Green Roofs

Water consumption in our daily life

What Is The Green Roofs

What Is The Method of The Green Roofs

Why We Use The Green Roofs

What Kinds of Materials and Techniques Could use in The Sustainable Buildings

What Kinds of Materials and Techniques Could use in The Sustainable Buildings




Fired Bricks




Green Roofs


Techniques-Renewable Energy

Ground source Heat Pumps

Photovoltaic Panels

Solar Thermal Hot-Water Panels

Why We Need The Sustainable Buildings?

  • Environmental benefits
  • - Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
  • - Improve air and water quality
  • - Reduce waste streams
  • - Conserve and restore natural resources

  • Economic benefits
  • - Reduce operating costs
  • - Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services
  • - Improve occupant productivity
  • - Optimize life-cycle economic performance

  • Social benefits
  • - Enhance occupant comfort and health
  • - Heighten aesthetic qualities
  • - Minimize strain on local infrastructure
  • - Improve overall quality of life
  • Thursday 12 December 2013

    Advantages & Disadvantages of The Green Roofs


    - Extended roof life: a green roof protects the waterproofing membrane from climatic extremes,   UV light and mechanical damage doubling its life expectancy.

    - Provides thermal insulation in the winter and helps to cool buildings in the summer.

    - Excellent sound insulation.

    - Growing mediums can be made from recycled materials, such as crushed bricks.

    - Reduces water run-off

    - Encourages biodiversity.

    - Provides attractive green spaces


    - Where the roof pitch is steeper than 40 degrees, a green roof is indefeasibly expensive. (cost

    - Plant growth is unpredictable because of airborne seeds and those dropped by passing        birds